VirtualBox : Lubuntu 19 (Ubuntu) installation
In this article I will show you how to install and configure Lubuntu 19 (Ubuntu) on a VirtualBox machine. The network adapter will be configured to allow Internet access. This will also allow access from outside. Lubuntu 19 is a light version based on the Ubuntu distribution. These instructions can also be applied to other Linux distributions.
What you need
- VirtualBox ⇢ VirtualBox Downloads
- Lubuntu version 19 ⇢ Lubuntu Downloads
VirtualBox Lubuntu / Ubuntu 19 Basic installation
First, create a new VirtualBox machine. To do this, press "Neu".
Now give the new machine a name, e.g. "Lubuntu 19 64bit". Set the memory size to 1GB, or better 4GB and then press "Erzeugen"
At this point you specify the hard drive size. In this example "20 GB", which is more than enough for Linux. Then press "Erzeugen".
The VirtualBox has now been created. Now click on "Ändern" to make a few adjustments.
First, activate the text "Leer" under "Massenspeicher/Controller:IDE". Then, using the CD symbol, select the option "Datei für optisches Medium auswählen...".
Then navigate to the .iso file (e.g. lubuntu-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso) on your hard drive and select this file by double-clicking.
Next, activate the "Netzwerk" area and select the "Netzwerkbrücke" in the "Angeschlossen an:" field.
Now you can start VirtualBox. To do so, press the button "Starten".
Now select a language using the keyboard. In this example, "Deutsch" and press Enter.
Use the mouse to select the point "Start Lubuntu".
Now you should adjust the screen resolution, as it is too small for the installation. To do this, go to "Bildschirmeinstellungen".
And set the resolution to at least 1280x768 and press "Anwenden:
To start the installation now, click on the desktop icon "Lubuntu 19.04 installieren".
Press now "Weiter".
Set the time zone here, e.g. Berlin and then press "Weiter".
The keyboard should fit. Press "Weiter".
Here you set up the partitioning of the VirtualBox hard drive. Select "Festplatte löschen" and then press "Weiter".
Here you can now enter the user name, computer name and password.
Here the installation settings are displayed in summary. Press "Installieren".
The following pop-up window appears. Press "Jetzt installieren".
The Lubuntu 19 installation will now be carried out. This will take about 10 minutes.
The installation completion message will now appear. Now press "Erledigt" to restart the PC.
If the restart fails or you get the message "Failed unmounting /cdrom.", then turn off the PC manually via VirtualBox as follows.
Then simply restart VirtualBox with the "Starten" button.
The Lubuntu 19 login desktop appears. Enter the previously defined password and press "Enter".
You have now successfully logged in. The Lubuntu 19 desktop appears.
The Lubuntu 19 installation is now complete. You can now adjust the screen resolution as described above.
The Lubuntu 19 basic installation on a VirtualBox is now complete.